GEOCACHING: A Perfect Social Distancing Activity!
Have you been “geocaching?” You may have heard of it; it’s been around for a while. But it’s also kind of a world-wide secret with a cult following. What? You haven’t? Well, it’s something you’ve just got to hear about! It is one of the most fun things our family has done… over and over and over!
But get ready. You’ll never be able to say, “there’s nothing to do,” ever again.
It’s a really great outdoor adventure for anyone, and the Lake Chelan Valley and surrounding areas are covered with cache’s just waiting for adventurers to find them! Yep; a cache is like a treasure chest. Doesn’t that spark your interest? Maybe bring out a little curiosity? And it’s something you can easily do by yourself, with your friend, your partner, your family and it’s a perfect activity during this social distancing COVID time we are all living in.
So. Here’s the scoop, Readers…
To go geocaching you need to be prepared for the weather, have a cell phone or other device that will show GPS coordinates, a free Geocaching membership, and a desire to get outside.
After you have your membership, you simply enter the zip code of your location. Up pops a list and map of all the registered cache’s in that area. They are organized by ease of access (or difficulty) and can accommodate the vacation strollers to the hard-core hikers. They are also organized by size of cache (micro to regular) and give you information on people’s favorites how close they are to you right now and when they were last found. When you click on one your get all sorts of information and fun code to decipher that gives you a fun clue about the cache. You might find out all kinds of interesting things about the area that you are geocaching in, in addition to getting outside and breathing that lovely, sunny fresh air.
Depending on the size of the cache, you need to bring an item to trade when you take a treasure from the box. People that “cache” are friendly, social, and creative. They like other people and have great manners and respect for their fellow humans and the land. You won’t see these people, but you will want to be prepared to reflect the courtesy of the adventure that has been prepared for you. When you create your account, the site will give you all the rules, and the mobile app will walk you right through everything; it’s easy! But be sure to read the procedures as they are important. That’s it!
1. Create an account 2. Find a geocache 3. Share your experience
Cache’s are, literally, found all over the word! Just think of the wonderful sights there are to see!
Wow! I’m sitting here looking mine up and there is one that is 4/10ths of a mile from my desk here at and someone was just there two days ago! I didn’t know that! I’ll bet you can guess what I’m going to do tomorrow… how about you?
Did I hear someone say, “Road trip?!”